Glenn R. Capp Fellows Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of our alumni and to the good will of our University, we are pleased to announce that we have initiated the Glenn R. Capp Fellows program for debaters.
The Capp Fellows program is designed to provide significant financial assistance to incoming debaters, beginning in the Fall of 2003. Each year, two incoming debaters will receive full tuition scholarships to Baylor University. These scholarships will be renewable for four years. In order to renew the scholarships, students must remain active in the Baylor debate program, maintain a 3.0 grade point average and demonstrate a commitment to the broad based focus of the Glenn R. Capp Debate Forum. These fellowships should allow talented students to receive a quality educational experience and to achieve their potential in intercollegiate debate.
Interested students should apply for the Capp Fellows program. The scholarships will be awarded in March of each year. In order to be considered, candidates should have been admitted to Baylor and have completed their Financial Aid file at Baylor. Candidates should also submit a copy of their debate record and two letters of recommendation from debate coaches to Jeff Nagel at P.O. Box 97368, Waco, TX 76798 or via email.
If you have questions,you may feel free to contact Dr. Jeff Nagel at (254) 710-6921 or email me at